Harnessing telecommunications, media and technology to make our own luck
21 August 2019
Hosted by Gilbert + Tobin Lawyers, Sydney
As superfast broadband, 5G, Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things usher in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, governments around the world are recognising the strategic importance of the creative industries.
The creative industries are fast growing, have one of the lowest automation susceptibilities and are increasingly playing an integral role in the digitisation of the economy.
Harnessing the creative industries and creative skills is critical to positioning Australia to benefit fully from new technologies and sources of growth as the trend to automation continues. Australia is at a crossroads and must adapt if its good fortune is to continue into the future.
Shadow Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland MP, will discuss the role of policy, law reform and investment in the Information, Media and Telecommunications industries to promote the Creative Economy in Australia.
Join Michelle Rowland, Gilbert+Tobin’s Danny Gilbert and our panel for a discussion of Australia’s potential in the fields of telecommunications, media and technology in the era of disruption.

Michelle Rowland MP, Shadow Minister for Communications,
Member for Greenway

Matthew Deaner
Matthew Deaner is the Chief Executive Officer of Screen Producers Australia (SPA), a national organisation that unites the screen industry to campaign for a healthy commercial environment. SPA support the interests of businesses, large and small, in their production of feature films, television programs, interactive content and games across all genres and formats.
Matthew oversees all aspects of SPA’s advocacy work, industrial negotiations, events and operational issues. He also works closely with SPA’s Council to set the strategic direction of the organisation as well as identify and execute new business development opportunities. Matthew brings a wealth of knowledge to SPA with his experience as a lawyer in both Sydney and London and in senior policy and strategy positions with Screen Australia and the Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association.
In July 2015 Matthew was appointed to the board of Media Super.

Debra Richards
CEO, Ausfilm
Debra Richards is the CEO of Ausfilm. Debra took up the position January 2011 and has over 25 years communications & media industry experience previously as CEO of the Australian Subscription Television and Radio Association (ASTRA), the industry association for subscription television. She also spent over 13 years with the broadcasting regulator then the Australian Broadcasting Authority (& Tribunal).
Debra has been involved in screen content policy and production industry issues in Australia during her working life as regulator, stakeholder or advocate. These include local content, classification of content, sports rights, copyright, digital conversion and new delivery platforms. Debra is also an Adjunct Professor for Boston University (Film and Media in Australia).
Debra is a Director of the Communications and Media Law Association (CAMLA) Board; Director of The Australian Chapter of the IIC; Member of the Advertising Beverage Advertising Code (ABAC) adjudication panel; a Director of Northcott and a professional member of the Australian Film Institute (AFI). She is also a marriage celebrant.

Edward Fong
Chair, Interactive Games and Entertainment Association
Edward has been a main stay of the Australian Games Industry for over 25 years, starting his career with Sony Pictures Home Entertainment as Marketing Manager.
In 1997 Edward moved to GT Interactive as Marketing Manager. After three years with the firm, he moved across to Atari Infogrames as Marketing Director.
In July of 2002, Edward made the move to Ubisoft, where he went from strength-to-strength. Over the past seventeen odd years, Edward rose from Marketing Manager to his current position of Managing Director, a position he has held for over 12 years.
Edward has helped launch many iconic brands in the market, including; Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry, the original Oddworld, Grand Theft Auto, Driver and Duke Nukem — achievements he holds close to his heart.
Outside of these roles, Edward has been a long time driving force with IGEA. In addition to being a long time board member, Edward has sat as Chairman for IGEA since March of 2010. He was heavily involved with countless industry initiatives, including the introduction of the R18+ legislation in Australia and establishing thriving consumer events.
Gilbert + Tobin
Level 35, Tower Two, International Towers Sydney, 200 Barangaroo Avenue, Barangaroo NSW 2000
Registration from 6 pm for 6.15 pm start. Followed by drinks & canapes, finishing at 8 pm.
Seminar cost: $80
IIC Members: $65
Tickets available here.