Academics worry that apps that could be used for mass surveillance The Financial Times reports on an open letter from 300 academics, warning that many apps currently being built to help trace the spread of coronavirus do not respect privacy, and will enable mass surveillance. Their concern is that centrally-held records could allow hacking or spying,… [Read More]
Digital Bytes: NBN Co takes action to support the Covid-19 crisis
NBN Co has set up a working group comprising of the five largest telcos to a coordinate responses to the surge in network demand due to Australians working from home during the COVID-19 crisis. The Australian government has announced a AU$150 million ‘relief’ package for NBN Co to waive wholesale access charges to SMEs and… [Read More]
APAC Bytes April 2020
Industry news and regulatory updates from the Asia Pacific region are available to read here.
IIC 2020 Competition for Future Leaders: Call for entries
Now in its third year, the IIC Future Leaders Competition is widening its call for entries. The competition run by the International Institute of Communications seeks to encourage and promote original thought in the areas of communications and policy. The competition is open to individuals aged 35 and under, working within the TMT communications sector…. [Read More]
UN warns of harmful wave of fake coronavirus news
The United Nations Department of Global Communications (DGC), which promotes global awareness and understanding of the work of the United Nations, has stepped up its fight against “a proliferation of false information” about the COVID-19 virus. The advice from cyber security expert Neil Walsh is to obtain information from trusted sources, such as the United… [Read More]
Mobile tracking for COVID-19: Privacy and health interests collide
Contract tracing has become an effective tool in the battle to contain the global COVID-19 epidemic, but extensive tracking involves privacy issues, not just technological capability. A article poses the quandary: Cellphone tracking could help stem the spread of coronavirus. Is privacy the price? It reports that Oxford researchers are now advocating tapping into… [Read More]