The Australian Human Rights Commission has published a discussion paper on Human Rights and Technology – Responses are invited to the proposals and questions set out in the Discussion Paper (PDF). The deadline for receiving submissions is Tuesday 10 March, 2020. See further details here.
Review of Australia’s classification regulation framework
The Australian Government has released a discussion paper on the review of Australia’s classification regulation framework to help inform a new framework that meets the needs of industry, while continuing to provide important information and protections for Australians. See further details here.
Australian Government response and implementation roadmap for the Digital Platforms Inquiry
The Australian Government has released their Response and Implementation Roadmap for the Digital Platforms Inquiry following a 12 week public consultation. Read more here.
Free, Full-fibre broadband for all?
It is one of the more surprising aspects of the current UK general election campaign that broadband policy has been hitting the headlines as one of the main controversies. Is a more radical approach to broadband policy desirable and feasible? Dr Steve Unger, affiliated researcher at the Bennett Institute, gives his insights to the current… [Read More]
AI: The Brave New World
Though AI can generate economic growth, and help solve the world’s biggest challenges, the newly appointed European Commission accepts it also needs to deal with the ‘risks’ the new technology brings, writes The Parliament Magazine’s Rajnish Singh. Read more here.
Sir Tim Berners-Lee unveils contract for the web
Inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, unveiled the World Wide Web Foundation’s global plan of action, Contract for the Web, at the United Nations Internet Governance Forum in Berlin1. The unveiling came a year after he launched the initiative at the Web Summit in Lisbon2, as he urged the world to act now to avoid… [Read More]