DATE: TUESDAY, 5TH MARCH 2024VENUE: Bird & Bird, Level 22, 25 Martin Place, Sydney, NSW 2000TIME: 11.00 AM – 1.00 PM AEDT Register from 10.30 am. The Australian Government has indicated that 2024 will see further reform in relation to online safety, including through proposed amendments to the Basic Online Safety Expectations under the Online… [Read More]
Past Events
Annual Conference 2024 – in person
Date: 30th – 31st October 2024Location: Bangkok, ThailandRegion: Asia Pacific The IIC’s annual Communications Policy and Regulation Week comprises our flagship events: International Regulators’ ForumAnnual Conference The IIC’s 55th Annual Conference, will take place in Bangkok, Thailand and follows the International Regulators’ Forum on 30-31 October 2024. Senior industry representatives joined regulators, academics and other… [Read More]
International Regulators Forum 2024 – in person
Date: 4th – 5th November 2024Location: Bangkok, ThailandRegion: Asia Pacific The IIC’s annual Communications Policy and Regulation Week comprises our flagship events: International Regulators’ Forum Annual Conference This year we are delighted that the International Regulators’ Forum will be hosted by The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission of Thailand (NBTC) on 4-5 November 2024. The… [Read More]
The year in review: regulatory changes in the media and communications sectors over 2023
DATE: THURSDAY, 23RD NOVEMBER 2023VENUE: Gilbert + Tobin, Level 35, Tower Two, International Towers, 200 Barangaroo Avenue, BarangarooTIME: 6:00 pm AEDT Join industry experts for an end-of-year panel discussion on some of the major policy and regulatory developments that have played out during the year – including in the privacy, telecommunications and media areas, and the… [Read More]
SPECIAL EVENT: Artificial Intelligence and Creativity: The Role of Copyright
We are delighted to welcome Professor Matthew Sag of Emory University in the United States for an ‘in-conversation’ special event for the Australian creative, technology, media and telecommunications industries. This will be an interactive session, with attendees encouraged to discuss and debate 2023’s key issues around content, artificial intelligence and intellectual property. Professor Matthew Sag is Professor of Law, Artificial Intelligence,… [Read More]
Small Nations Regulators Forum 2023 – Online meeting (Invitation only)
SMALL NATIONS REGULATORS’ FORUM, VIRTUAL EVENT Date: Wednesday, 2 August 2023Time: Start 14:00 BST until 16:00 BSTVenue: Online meeting, ZoomRegion: Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa By Invitation only This is an opportunity for members of the IIC’s Small Nations Regulators’ Forum to engage with colleagues in a small group setting to share… [Read More]