SMALL NATIONS REGULATORS’ FORUM, VIRTUAL EVENT Date: Wednesday, 2 August 2023Time: Start 14:00 BST until 16:00 BSTVenue: Online meeting, ZoomRegion: Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa By Invitation only This is an opportunity for members of the IIC’s Small Nations Regulators’ Forum to engage with colleagues in a small group setting to share… [Read More]
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Telecommunications and Media Forum, Sydney 2023 – in person
Date: 15th-16th August 2023 Location: Dexus Place, Level 15, 1 Farrer Place, Sydney For the first time since 2018, the IIC’s Telecommunications and Media Forum (TMF) will be held in Sydney for two days this August, providing an excellent opportunity for members and industry participants to come together to discuss hot topics through its two-day… [Read More]
Modernising Australia’s Content Regulation
The Australian content sector is expecting significant regulatory reform over the short to medium term. The anticipated changes, which will impact the content Australians have access to, include an increased focus on Australian content on SVODs, the role of interactive online games, and changes to anti-siphoning regulation for Australian sport. At the same time, the… [Read More]
Annual LatAm & Caribbean Telecommunications & Media Forum – in person
TELECOMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA FORUM (TMF), REGIONAL REGULATORS’ FORUM, SMALL NATIONS REGULATORS’ FORUM When: 14th – 17th May 2023Where: Biltmore Hotel, 1200 Anastasia Ave, Coral Gables, Florida, USA The IIC returns to Miami for the annual LatAm & Caribbean Telecommunications & Media Forum where we look forward to welcoming members and stakeholders for fruitful discussions on… [Read More]
Mongolia Forum – in person
When: Wednesday 5 – Friday 7 July 2023 Where: Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Kindly hosted by Communications Regulatory Commission of Mongolia (CRC) Wednesday 5th July (afternoon): Regulators Forum Objectives and priorities for regulators in the digital era This Forum is for Regulators only and will be followed by an evening Networking Reception Thursday 6th July: all day… [Read More]
Communications Policy & Regulation Week 2023 – in person
When: 16th – 19th October 2023 Where: Hyatt Regency Cologne Kennedy-Ufer 2A, Cologne, Germany The IIC’s annual Communications Policy and Regulation Week comprises our flagship events: International Regulators’ ForumAnnual ConferenceSmall Nations Regulators’ Forum This year we are delighted that the International Regulators’ Forum will be hosted by Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunication, Post… [Read More]