A competition, supported by members of the IIC, to encourage and promote original thought in the areas of communications and policy What is this initiative? The Future Leaders’ Competition, now in its sixth year, and supported by the members of the IIC, encourages and promotes original thought in the areas of communications and policy. What… [Read More]
By joing the IIC you will have access to a wide range of information as well as the ability to attend events across the globe at a membership rate.
Digital Platforms Regulators Forum – 15 March 2023
In early 2022 the ACCC, ACMA, OAIC and the eSafety Commissioner established the Digital Platform Regulators Forum to share information about, and collaborate on, cross-cutting issues and activities relating to the regulation of digital platforms. Join the IIC Australian Chapter and industry colleagues to hear from the heads of these four regulators about the achievements, and… [Read More]
Asia Telecommunications & Media Forum , 14 to 16 February 2023, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
TELECOMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA FORUM (TMF), REGIONAL REGULATORS’ FORUM Kindly hosted by The Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC) Tuesday 14 February 2023Regional Regulators Forum (RRF) Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 February Telecommunications and Media Forum In-person event.
Event | Regulating digital platforms – Part 2: getting down to details with the ACCC’s newest report on competition and consumer law reform
Join the IIC Australian Chapter and industry experts for an end-of-year event examining the Government’s proposed approach to digital platform regulation. Amongst the many challenges facing the Australian Government is whether it should take forward sector-specific competition and consumer protection regulation of digital platforms, in light of the recommendations made by the ACCC in its Interim… [Read More]
Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 06th December 20225:00 – 5:45pm Clifford ChanceLevel 24Brookfield Place10 Carringdon Street SYDNEY
A lunchtime seminar with The Hon. Michelle Rowland MP – Media Law: Priorities for the New Government
FREE for CAMLA and IIC members$120 for non-members Join us for a lunchtime seminar with The Hon. Michelle Rowland MP, Federal Minister of Communications: Media Law: Priorities for the New Government THE HON. MICHELLE ROWLAND MP Michelle was elected to the House of Representatives in 2010 as the Member for Greenway. Prior to entering Parliament,… [Read More]